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Monday, April 20, 2009

Food 009 : A Feng BKT...

Remember i said previously that im going to do another Bak-Kut-Teh (肉骨茶) review soon, and now this is it. however, it's not from Klang also this time. it's still in Sunway area. But this Bak-kut-Teh is consider...erm...slightly famous than the previous one i review. As it's was selected by the famous TV shows "Ho-Chiack" last time. It's Located at here...

And this is the exterior, Restaurant Bak Kut Teh Ah Foong (阿峰(干)肉骨茶), It's in PJS 10 area, and it facing a small football field.

Well, been here for quite few times, and it's alot of ppl during dinner hours, and their specialty is Dry BKT, but i didn't tried that. as i prefer Soup BKT. They have a simple, nice, and easy to understandle menu, and they had provide common dished that u can find in BKT restaurant.

This is their Soup BKT @ RM 8.00/pax, well the soup here is taste richer, according to JWF crew Ms.Iris, it's Klang Style, well, for me it's really taste richer, and the meat here is quite soft n tasty. However, it's not much pork inside compared to Ren Ren BKT. and some of you might ask why i never mention the intestine. well, becos i usually dun eat instestine. In Ah Foong BKT, they will give u another small bowl of soup. i wonder why they did this tho. it's good but not great.

BKT must have, Tea @ RM 2~4, depend on what kind of tea u chose. it's just ...common.

You Tiao a.k.a You Zha Gui (油条/油炸鬼) @ RM 3.00 per bowl. the You Tiao here is a plus, it's so crunchy, even u long soak in BKT soup but it's still "klak-klak". hahahaz

Well, this is out side order that day, Spicy Sour Vege (酸辣菜) @ RM 3.00 (small), this one not really impressing..common.

Well, i feel the BKT here is quite okay, it's just not that "WOW!!", however, the moment i paid the owner ask me why i didn't try out thier Dry BKT as it's their specialty, i answered, because i don't know. So guys might can give it a try and feed back to me. hahaz.

1 comment:

  1. haha~ i like the you zha gui picture~ clear & nice shot! it seems very tasty~ lolx.. p/s: for the 'ah feng' bakuteh i have left the comment on the 'ren ren' bakuteh post dy~ pls check it out ya (",)/
