Random Selection

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Food 011 : Reborn in Wong Kok

Well, Stuck in Pyramid tonight don't know where to feed our starving stomach, cos we can't chose something too expansive (no budget at the moment), and been stand infront of the direct board for so long. and at last we give it a shot of one of the few famous Hong Kong Style rstaurant. Wong Kok Restaurant, before i go, seriously i don't have a good impression to Wong Kok and the last few time (don't know how long ago) is real sucks, their service, food & interior are out out out. HOWEVER, they impress me this time after hmm..sort of rebranding?. im not sure, but at least it's mroe "presentable" now. haha. They changed their Menu, change their interior design, increased some food variety. I was happy with it tho.

Well, that's one thing i don't like from their Menu, which is ...TOO BLING BLING Jor la!!. hahaz, they follow the Kim Gary, start to give monthly voucher, Member Card. haha. So, as i said we got some budget problem, so we only end up order their dinner set. but here's comes some impress again. the option is much more than Kim Gary, as u can chose fruit instead of the c2pid dessert (the sucks jelly things lo), and the drinks, u can chose fruit juice! yeah. healthy. hahaz.
okay, the outlet i went is Pyramid one. maybe u can drop by, order a drink there, and watch Astro. lolx! yeah they do provide TV now which few different channel. they also provide Wi-fi service.

This is the Drinks (u can chose from coffe to fruit juice), Soup (Borsch or Cream), Dessert (Pudding jelly or Fruit "Watermelon + dew"). however, it's worth but it's normal.

the Watermelon juice & Apple juice

hurm...this is....ehmm...IM SORRY i lost my receipt..i forgot the name, but i remeber it's appear at the monday dinner set menu..price.....maybe..RM10~RM14...lolx..sorry!!. but, it impress me as the bowl design is so special, and the taste...well normal -_-.

this is...hurm..i forgot it name too, but it's should something something twin source, IM VERY VERY SORRY that i lost the receipt. it also appear in their monday set dinner menu. this is the most delicious thing i taste every that night, again they bowl they use for present is very unique.

Well, conclusion, for me, they have reborn. hahaz, i think i will start to drop by as they given me monthly free voucher which allow u to use to chose one among three selected food each month. i dunno what's the condition to get the voucher tho. but i heard waitress say something something RM 10, so i guess spend RM 10 and above. so that's for wong kok. im apolagise again i promise i will make another review for it.

p.s. Kim Gary also start the 2nd year for membership, jusr RM 15 buck u can be their member which allow u got 10% discount on weekends & non publick holiday, and food voucher for each month, plus 50% discount voucher on B'day, and 50% discount voucher on father & mother's day. but they had stop the monthly Hong Kong disney lucky draw like past year. go n grab it now, it's so worth!.

Food 010 : Section 17 hunting

Tonight, we're so glad can meet up our friends Shiang Peng, and we're about to meet another friends who come back to Malaysia from Australia for some Company Conference, and before we head up KL to meet another friends, Shiang Peng recommend us few place for dinner, at first we planned to go Decanter's PJ, but it's closed (why are those restaurant close on sunday?!). Luckily Shiang Peng comes up another idea for restaurant, and finally we're here at this Restaurant call MM Cafe which located in PJ section 17 Happy mansion. it's seem lot of UM n UTAR student like to hang out here, it's not a huge restaurant, and menu are limited. but it's not bad. let's see.

This is the Map (sorry i forgot to take the shop photo, but it's basically ground floor of the apartment there, spend some time to find it as it got alot of restaurant there. but it's alone at one block. so don't go in another few block ya!)

Well, u'll be suprised, as the menu is quite limited, but it's not a huge restaurant tho, but they serve western & local style of food. So 3 of us order different from the menu, and it's...

Iris's having Lamb Chop @ RM 16.90, well, for the price of it, i personally think it's not worth, u can drop to Buffalo Sunway for better n bigger portion. besides, acoording to Iris comment bout the taste, it's normal. and it's their specialty. lolx.

This is what i have, Spaghetti Cabonara @ RM 16.90, it's delicious, i sluurp it in short time. hahaz. However, for the price & portion, it's still abit...well u know. i gave it a Good as for the taste.

This is what Shiang Peng have, Pita Sandwiches (Veg & Cheese) @ RM 8.90, it's quite tasty, but again it's simple. so i gave it normal.

Shiang Peng also ordered this, Mushroom @ RM 8.90, well, it come with 2 garlic bread, this is so tasty, and this is the only from what i order which i think worth. it's taste good.

FYI, we order the normal drink lik eIced Lemon Tea @ RM 3.90, Plain Water @ RM 0.30, Iced WAter @ RM 0.50, why aren't iced water and plain water the same price?!. hahaz. BY THE WAY, what suprised me is they have redemption card which u spend RM 25 u will get one chop, and when u collect 9 chop, u will have a RM 25 meal voucher ya.~.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Food 009 : A Feng BKT...

Remember i said previously that im going to do another Bak-Kut-Teh (肉骨茶) review soon, and now this is it. however, it's not from Klang also this time. it's still in Sunway area. But this Bak-kut-Teh is consider...erm...slightly famous than the previous one i review. As it's was selected by the famous TV shows "Ho-Chiack" last time. It's Located at here...

And this is the exterior, Restaurant Bak Kut Teh Ah Foong (阿峰(干)肉骨茶), It's in PJS 10 area, and it facing a small football field.

Well, been here for quite few times, and it's alot of ppl during dinner hours, and their specialty is Dry BKT, but i didn't tried that. as i prefer Soup BKT. They have a simple, nice, and easy to understandle menu, and they had provide common dished that u can find in BKT restaurant.

This is their Soup BKT @ RM 8.00/pax, well the soup here is taste richer, according to JWF crew Ms.Iris, it's Klang Style, well, for me it's really taste richer, and the meat here is quite soft n tasty. However, it's not much pork inside compared to Ren Ren BKT. and some of you might ask why i never mention the intestine. well, becos i usually dun eat instestine. In Ah Foong BKT, they will give u another small bowl of soup. i wonder why they did this tho. it's good but not great.

BKT must have, Tea @ RM 2~4, depend on what kind of tea u chose. it's just ...common.

You Tiao a.k.a You Zha Gui (油条/油炸鬼) @ RM 3.00 per bowl. the You Tiao here is a plus, it's so crunchy, even u long soak in BKT soup but it's still "klak-klak". hahahaz

Well, this is out side order that day, Spicy Sour Vege (酸辣菜) @ RM 3.00 (small), this one not really impressing..common.

Well, i feel the BKT here is quite okay, it's just not that "WOW!!", however, the moment i paid the owner ask me why i didn't try out thier Dry BKT as it's their specialty, i answered, because i don't know. So guys might can give it a try and feed back to me. hahaz.

Food 008 : Some Pan Mee in Paramount PJ..

Well, i belive major ppl who use to study or stay in Paramount or Seapark should know this restaurant which they serve great pan mee, i mean yeah, it's consider creative yet delicious. I've been visit this restaurant like at least once in a week for past 3 years, i serious addicted to the Pan Mee they served, and beside their main specialty Pan Mee, they do serve some Teppanyaki rice, noodles, and they also serve tasty portugese style grill stingray, shrimp n some other fish. however, we're trying to focus on their Panmee this time. and right before that, let just show u the out look n map to there....

This is the location, the Green is the one, and the Red & Blue is 2 nice place we introduced last time, Click Here. Well, it's should be easy to find, it's right beside NationWide courrier & a Vegetarian restaurant.

This is the Restaurant exterior, Paramount Garden Restaurant (新的天地餐室). well, avoid to come here during lunch hour as they will have hell lot of ppl there, and u might need to wait at least 20 minute for ur order. they business hour is usually 8am~4pm.

The time i shot this, was so many ppl, we was shared table with some other ppl.

And this is they most famous specialty, Loh-Pan-Mee (卤板面) @ RM 4.50, well, it come with 3 different size. in fact u can see lot of custormer order this as it's really delicious, the soup is quite tasty, and i LOVE the special made chili. it's MUST-TRY.

Beside the Loh-Pan-Mee, they do serve lot of other favoured Panmee, like Normal, Dry, Tomyam, SzeChuan, Fish Paste. and u can chose what kind of noodles u want like, hand pinched, normal panmee, Thick noddles (Hokkien Mee), Thin noodles or Mee-Shua (面线). Well, becos today both of us order the same thing, so i can only shot this. but worry not, i will visit again, as im always there.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Food 007 : Malaysia chinese representitive

Well, been introduce quite some place for good and great food, now it's time for this, the dish that make malaysian Chinese proud ( i guess), yeah, it's everyone favorite Bak-kut-Teh (肉骨茶), Well, been Wiki for this just now. It claims that Bak -Kut-Teh is originate from China, well, i can't doubt that because im not usre, but im sure it's become so so so popular to the world (okay at least asia) from Malaysia, Klang. Yeah, Klang (巴生) is always associated to Bak-Kut-Teh, and u can see numerous of Bak-Kut-Teh restaurant there, and many malaysian says they served the best among the other places. For more info bout Bak-kut-Teh history n tex, Click here.

However im not gonna introduce Bak-Kut-Teh from Klang tho, infact, i just simply bring my Camara for lunch, and i visited this Bak-kut-teh Restaurant located at Bandar Sunway Mentari PJS 8, which is just Walking Distance from Ginger Tree. it's located here...

Ren Ren Claypot (Dry) Bak-Kut-Teh (人人瓦煲(干)肉骨茶), located in Sunway Mentari PJS8.

It's my 3rd or 4th times here i think, well, i came here just becos it's the nearest Bak-Kut-teh around where i stay. You don't have to worry bout seat, they got not much custormer (lolx).

Bak-Kut-Teh @ RM 8.00/pax (Pure meat, no instatine), their Bak-Kut-Teh is good, as they really throw in alot of meat, and the soup is quite good also. They do serve the dry Bak-Kut-Teh as well, but im still prefer the soup one.

Teh @ RM 2~4 (depend what Teh u chosen), this is also a must drink when u eat Bak-Kut-Teh, but what they have here is just common. nothing special.

You Tiao a.k.a You Zha Gui (油条/油炸鬼) @ RM 3.00 per bowl. personally, i love to add it when i eat BKT (Bak-Kut-Teh), it taste so nice when u soak it with the BKT soup. yummy, but again, they serve a common one.

Stir-fry Carbage (油炒玻璃生菜) @ RM 7.00, well...common...common...common..

Well, This Ren Ren BKT i think it's just normal BKT restaurant, the only thing i like bout them is, they served fast? (due to not much cust.) and they really throw in lot n lot of meat (at least when im there, they did). anyway, i will definitely visit n review on Klang BKT one day. i miss the BKT there...>_<

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Food 006 : Paramount Frenzy

This time, i going to review 2 places food at one post, because both this place is quite near, it's just around where i study last time, it located in Sea Park PJ and Paramount PJ, both this shop is walking distance. let's get started!!.

This is the location, it's located in Paramount & Seapark, the Red color one is Yong Tau Fu, the blue color is Nasi Lemak

Restaurant Yong Tau Foo Khong Kee (广记酿豆腐“招牌粥”), in fact, i've been stay at this area for like 3 year, but i never been to this Restaurant, so it's my 1st time visit today, it located just beside Hong Leong Bank Paramount, and opposite of Giant Paramount.

As u can see, the Shop look quite old, and not well renovated, but u still can see lot of ppl visit here sometimes, meaning they really serve some tasty food. u can know their specialty from their signboard which is porridge & Yong Tau Fu.

This is it, they only got serve one kind of porridge, and this is it (opps, i repeat). how do i call this, erm.... Home Made delicious porridge + Preserved Egg (皮蛋) @ RM 4.50, this is really awesome, it got cuttle fish, peanuts, shitake, dry shrimp, onion, and....i forgot something, im sure there's something i left behind in this asty porridge. after i try this, they Canton-i i tasted can go to ****, hahahaz. it's MUST TRY. in fact, i heard bout it before i went, they time i listen to my frens recommend it, i was like "it's just porridge, how tasty can i be?" but im definitely wrong.

This is also thier spciealty, but it's so~~~~ normal, and expansive. it's Yong Tau Fu @ RM 1.00 for each options u chose, usually Yong Tau Fu it just RM 0.60~RM 0.80 for on option for restaurant like them. okay fine, it's expansive it's okay, but the taste...it's Extremely common. and ...that's it for this.

Well, this Khoong Kee Restaurant does serve also "Jee-Chong-Fun (猪肠粉)", but i didn't try it this time, should visit again for strike thier Jee-Chong-Fun as i saw many ppl order it.

Okay, finish the 1st part, now it's the 2nd part of Paramount Frenzy, it's our Nation Food, the food which one of our most notable, representitive food. it's Nasi Lemak, hahaz, Nasi Lemak is like u can get it everywhere in here Malaysia. so usually how do we define a good nasi lemak? i bet there's lot of different kind of Godly good Nasi Lemak, but for me, the Sambal (Spicy source) has to be unique, Fry-Chicken has to be tasty n crispy, the rice must be very hot n fragrance. and this Nasi Lemak which i eat so so so many times in 3 year when i stay here, had just qualified the condition i noted above. it located at Sea Park (see map above for exact place), behind May Bank, Oppotise 7-11.

This is how the Restaurant look like, it's so Mamak style, yet they dun have their own sign board n all that, but their popularity is a thing must notice, sometimes u can't find a seat. (i should take a photo of the crowd).

This is it, Nasi Lemak Ayam @ RM 4.50, well, this is really really really delicious, start from the Sambal, it's very unique, it's not really very spicy mean while bring abit of sweetness, and u just never get sick of eat it along with the rice. and they Fry-Chicken is just something make this great, it's so crispy, crunchy, tasty, warm, and hot!. and the rice is does containt a frangrance, i wonder what's their secret recipe. the portion is okay, but usually i end up add rice. fried-egg is just normal tho. it's MUST TRY!! every friends i bring them here, they all give a very good comment bout it, some even get addicted like my cousin who stay in JB, he must want to eat this everytime when he's here. so it's getting u addictive! hahaz.

Well, actually in Paramount PJ, there's alot alot of good food to be explore like Pan Mee, Asam Laksa, Hokkien Fried Noodles, Duck Rices, Cheap Mixed-Rice, and all that, i will do a review it all next time.! hehez. so watch up for more review on good food @ Joviwonderfood.blogspot.com .

Food 005 : Kim Gary geting common...

Well, Spend sometime under the hot sun while working today for taking some politician house photo. End up quite tired, and decide to go for a quick lunch, and our friends Nicole suggest to go Kim Gary Pyramid outlet. Since i say quick lunch, i really just order some light refreshment for it. I'm believe most of you went Kim Gary before aye? it's so common and it's nearly everywhere now in KL, but thay able to maintain a good QC for thier food among other outlet (so far those i had visit taste the same). anyway, since yall know it, i just make it quick one...

ta-dah, the popular yet getting common French Toast @ RM 4.90, well...how to say, last time i ate it it was quite special to me, but maybe because of the arise of many kopitiam style restaurat like Old Town, Old Taste, Kluang Station bla bla bla, i felt this French Toast at KG is just getting normal.

Both Iris & Nicole had this, Beef Cheese Baked Rice set @ RM 15.90, well luckily this one still taste quite outstanding, as it's a set, it come with a few option of drinks, a dessert and soup. so i think it's still worth to eat. it's not a big portion, but it realy taste good.

Personally, i like thier Coffee, Tea, Yin-Yong (Coffee + Tea), this Yin-Yong is like the speacialty of them to me, most of the time im here i will order, and it still so tasty. addicted?! perhaps. anyway if ala carte it's @ RM 3.00. and the one beside which is Chinese Tea @ RM0.90. Chinese tea is just so commonly common.

well, that's it!

Thursday, April 9, 2009


Well, For any view here, if u think this blog is okay~, or nice, or even superb, please help to share it with your friends, or give us idea where to hunt some nice food. OR even hunt together with JWF crew (so far is Jovi and Iris). and please feel free to leave ur comment on our review. thanks~

By the way, our new Rating logo and JWF new logo will be up soon to replace the current one as from some feed back regarding logo from some audience. thanks for the idea, and we'll try to make it better n eaiser to understand.

However, i hope u all to know that this blog slogan is "Yummy or Yucks", we'll not give all food "good" or "great" even if it's not just for popularity, we will be fair and when it's sucks food, it's sucks, when it can't be consume, it can't. we will not give all Good. pls remember that. we're not only review for good food, we will hunt some bad food once in the blue moon also.

Food 004 : Let's Climb some Ginger Tree

Alright, after a Hot-ass day photography work, i really need to sit down & feed myself some of my favorite food, and Pizza will be the choice. So i remember i love some pizza from this restaurant call Ginger Tree located at Bandar Sunway Mentari PJS8 where is here...

Ta-dah, the first time i post a map for a review, well, i will post map for those not well-known restaurant, for those popular one, i guess u can find u online. Ginger Tree, is just located at PJS 8 a.k.a Mentari, it behind Shell Petrol Station Mentari and it's same roll as Perodua showroom. It should be easy to find.

Ginger Tree is not really popular, and everytime im here, it always have lot of empty seat, but i do luv the pizza here. Ginger Tree is a restaurant where they serve major Western + Mexican style, but they do provide some local delight also. too bad i didn't took any interior photo this time as im here for some quick lunch. By go tru the menu, you can find, Pizza, Steak, whatever-chop (not so whatever), Pasta, Local Delight, side order (salad, fries bla bla bla). They do provide quite a good service here, fast enough, the waitress also quite hard working. and this is it!!! this is the Pizza i love!!!

WARNING, this is Spicy!! Mexican Chilli Chicken Pizza @ RM 16.50, yes!! this is what i love, sorry for my prejudice, i really wanna give it GREAT & Must try. it's a Thin-crust pizza and it's their specialty with +2 spicy as it's using Mexican Chilli (dunno true or not, but it's really spicy) the chicken is well toss, it just blend it so nice with the topping like cupsicum, onion, and mayo. My way to eat it, i will still pour so much Tabasco to make it more n more spicy. After i finish i eat it, i will felt my lips is abit paralyze but it's still so tasty. HOWEVER, taste is very subjective, some of my friend's say the bread is too tough, difficult to chop it. and because it's hard, u can just use hand held to eat it and it won't drop like normal soft bread pizza (i hope u understand what i trying to say). alright alright, i know i written too much for this pizza...anyway, MUST TRY!!!

This is what Iris had for the lunch, Carbonara @ RM 15.50, well well, this one is good, but not great, they source is good, but they give alot of bacon (yesh!! im meat lover). well...let hope Ms.Iris will comment and give a better review for this.

For the Drinks, majority of thier availability is just normal, and we order this Ice Honey Lemon & Ice Green Tea (without sweet, u can chose to add sweet) @ RM 5.00 (Large) or RM 4.00 (Regular) each. both of it just normal, However, i do remember last time i came, i order the Dragon Fruit + Longan @ RM 5.00 (Regular) or RM 7.00 (Large), and it's so nice. i would recommend the Dragon Fruit + Longan.

Well, i was wonderin how Ginger Tree survive, i mean, everytime im here it's like empty. not much people eventho they provide RM 9.90 for Set Lunch from 12.45 noon ~2.45 p.m. i think maybe they will closed soon if the business is still like the past (choi~~). Anyway, it's worth to visit if u're in Sunway Area.

Food 003 : Lei Sek Bao Mei?!

Alright, im sorry that i didn't the blog for sometimes, well, u know im busy....for slackin..hahaz.. Alright back to today post, Iris & I was waiting to visit this restaurant for quite sometime, because it took so long~~~~~~~ for the renovation n opening in Pyramid. yeah, it's Canton-i Restaurant (香港粥面家) Located at New Wing of Sunway Pyramid. Canton-i Res is actually part of the Dragon-i Restaurant (龙的传人)Group, however Canton-i is specific in Porridge (Congee / 粥), Hong Kong Style Noodles(面,i know la!), Roast (chiken, pork / 烧腊). Beside that, they also provide Dim Sum (not as much as Dragon-i), Tong Sui (糖水), Soup (炖汤),etc.

they use pink + white + red as their interior color which is suprised but impressing to me.

Before we introduce & taste thier food, i need to say something bout their interior n color, they very dare to use a mixture combo of Pink & White which i like it so much. but i still diggin my head for the reason. So, Since their specialty is Porridge & Noodles, Iris & I is just going to order it, but we both order porridge due to the recent hot-ass weather. we go tru thier menu, it's so difficult to make up our mind which to order as it got quite a variety of porridge. so we end up.....

This is what i have, Cuttlefish & Mix Meat Porridge (荔湾艇仔粥) @ RM 10.90 . well, this is good. becos if u're first-timer here, u might wanna try this as it got cuttlefish, chicken, pork, fish, peanut, and some crunchy thing (i dunno what it call but it come with all porridge order). The portion is normal. well, the taste is just bit better than normal, so i give it a good.

This is Iris's order, Fish Meat & Meat Ball Porridge (鲩(huan)鱼肉丸面) @ RM 11.90 ,well, this look normal to me, and taste normal also, it just better than average, so i give it a good, according to Iris, the porridge is too waterish, which like a soup.

and this is our side order, Crispy Char-Siew-Bao (脆皮叉烧包) @ RM 7.00, this is real nothing special, i give it normal, because it suppose to make somthing good as Dragon-i, this is just normal. it's not big, not that superb tasty. so....normal.

Well, actually i wanna visit Canton-i is because of that one of my friend says it's good, but after i try, i think Dragon-i is still better. hmmmm.. that's th conclusion i guess. Oh ya, i left out the drinks, in Canton-i, they don't have Hot Chinese Tea which is RM 2 like Dragon-i, they only provide Hot Chinese Tea in pot which is RM 5 / pax, and minimun 2 pax. (im pokkaian so i don't willing spend much on drinks beside alcoholic). so, overall, i would say u can try, but..at ur own risk?..hahaz not that terirble la. just....normal.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Food 002 : Let's Fish Head Beehun...

Been heard bout this shop for quite sometime from my Baby Iris, she recommended it to me long time ago but never bring me go. From what i heard from her is that the Fish Head Beehun here is very delicious, big portion, n added some alcohol which make the taste so good. So at last, i have a chance to visit here due to my work send me to take some picture at Ampang, on the way back i just drop by for a quick lunch. so i didn't manage to take lot photo. anyway, this shop is located in Kuchai Lama, just around Station One cafe, just try to explore that area and u will find it, it's at the corner lot, here how's the shop look like....

it's call "Win Soon Cafe (亚顺生虾鱼头米)"

It's located at corner shop lot, so it's easy to find, the time i'm there is around lunched weekday, so it's lot of car there n kindda hard to find a car park, and when i reach the shop, there's somany people having their lunch there, but im still manage to find a seat tho. So i didn't waste my precious time & chosen my lunch with "Fish Ball Beehun (鱼滑米粉)", it taste slightly better than average.
Fish Ball Beehun @ RM 7.50, it's come with a very big portion, u must try it if u're realy hungry. However, i would recommend "Fish Head Beehun (鱼头米粉)" instead of this. Because at first i taught that the Fish head, it's really Fish head, but it's actually got Deep fry fish meat in the Beehun instead of this Fish-ball like Fish Meat (鱼滑). it's both the same price. the chili here is taste quite good also.

This is my drink, Honey Sea Coconut @ RM 2.50, it's....normal but im still give it a "Good".

this is a pack of serviette they provide when u dine-in there.

Well, in fact, im not a person who like to eat Fish Head Beehun as i don't eat sour plum, but this Win Soon Fish Head Beehun is really taste good. It worth to try. altho the pricing "RM7.50" is abit bit high, but they do serve a real big bowl. so let's head Kuchai Lama for this Fish head.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Food 001 : Ru Jia Kitchen bring it on!!

This is my very 1st review in this blog, so this is the first guinea pig. lolx. enough for crap. This time, we come to this Restaurant call Ru Jia Kitchen (如家小厨), it's located in Sunway Pyramid old wing, just beside Kim Gary. Ru Jia actually been quite famous last time when the 1st outlet at Sunway area for it Steam Rice. I guess their business eventually get better and good enough to let them open a new outlet in Pyramid. but anyway, i have been visit this restaurant for a couple of times, and everytime i'm here i ordered the same thing.
Ru Jia Kitchen @ Sunway Pyramid (Beside Kim Gary)
Okay, let get serious, this is the one of the Specialties of the restaurant.
it's Steam Rice it comes with option of Chiken or Pork with choic of topping of Chinese Sausage (腊肠,correct my english if im wrong) & Salted Fish. To me, it taste really good, abit like Claypot Chicken rice, but it not that dry. most importantly, it cost only RM 7,50 which is consider cheap among the other restaurant in Pyramid. However, it need at least 15 minute for it to serve. Must try man!!
This is what Iris Order that night, Seafood Taufu Rice (海鲜豆腐饭), it look common to me tho, the taste...hmm...it sligthly better than normal so i give it a Good. Well, sorry that i took the photo major part is rice X_X. it's RM 7.90.

That's it for the food, i didn't take any picture for drink but i will recommend the Fruit juice as it just cost RM 2.50 and it taste really awesome especially Papay Milk Juice.
what impress me the most for this shop is some of their selection is really consider cheap. so next time u stuck in pyramid and dunno what to eat, let just give it a shot. of cos it's NON-HALAL.